Freight forwarding in closed train system, in inland, export-, import- and transit traffic


Organization of intermodal and traditional railway carriage including on-going
monitoring of the cargo


Design of specific cargo jobs including implementation, as required


CER Cargo Holding: successful participation at München Transport logistics

One of the biggest trade fair in Europe is the Transport logistics at München, this year with the successful participation of CER Cargo Holding too.

More than 1800 exhibitor from 58 countries has arrived to the Trade fair, respectively 52 thousand visitor has taken part at Trade fair from 137 countries.
9 Hungarian companies (Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt, GYSEV Cargo Zrt., CER Cargo Holding SE, Magyar Logisztikai Egyesület, Magyar Szállítmányozók és Logisztikai Szolgáltatók Szövetsége, Integrail Kft., Kanizsa Sprint Kft., Mafracht Kft., Ghibli Kft.) could appear at the booth of Hungrail (Hungarian Railway Association)

„I think our participation was successful, we have had many efficient negotiations, we are willing to continue these negotiations and nurture the connections” said Horváth László, (who is the owner L.A.C. Holding which possess CER Cargo Holding as well,) evaluated after the trade fair. During the Trade fair CER Cargo Holding also interpreted its own modern railway integrated system, developed by Railinvest, which has taken the attention of the entire member of the invited guest.

Pictures about the Hungarian booth available Here:


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