Freight forwarding in closed train system, in inland, export-, import- and transit traffic


Organization of intermodal and traditional railway carriage including on-going
monitoring of the cargo


Design of specific cargo jobs including implementation, as required


The XXII. Plenary Meeting of the International Association „Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation” supported by CER Cargo Holding.
2014. 01. 08.

The plenary meeting of the transportation association (founded in 1993) Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation, was being held in the Hungarian capital, which has the members of 105 from 25 countries. During the 2 days negotiations 250 delegated person took part, from 25 countries and were listening the presentation of CER Cargo Holding too. One of the main sponsor of the plenary meeting is CER group. More

The Economist
2013. 09. 24.

The Economist - eden od najbolj prestižnih in najstarejši angleški tedenskih časnikov - je objavil intervju z Horváthom Lászlóm, - predsednikom CER Madžarska Zrt, ki pripada LAC Holding Group - v članku o železniškem posredovanju. More

CER Cargo Holding: successful participation at München Transport logistics
2013. 07. 08.

One of the biggest trade fair in Europe is the Transport logistics at München, this year with the successful participation of CER Cargo Holding too. More

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